La « Saint-Barthélemy » dans le calendrier des huguenots, du XVIe au XVIIIe siècle

This article investigates the place occupied by the date of the St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre in the collective memory of French Protestants until the end of the eighteenth century. Beginning in 1573-1574, the August 24, 1572 date (to avoid using…

Un tract inconnu de Claude Brousson : la “Lettre aux Reformés de France contre le scandale des Revoltes” (10 avril 1685)

The bibliography of the lawyer Claude Brousson was recently enriched by the discovery of an anonymous brochure entitled Lettre aux Reformés de France contre le scandale des Revoltes and dated 10 April 1685, which had been erroneously catalogued in the…

Luthériens et autres hérétiques à Lyon, dans la « danse des morts » des frères Frellon (1542)

The 1542 edition of Simulachres et historiées faces de la mort, printed in Lyon by Jean and François Frellon, is famous for its beautiful images of death from Hans Holbein the Younger. A study of the accompanying texts reveals a…

La polémique anti-reliques chez les théologiens réformés du XVIe siècle ou la fixation d’une frontière confessionnelle

In the middle of the sixteenth century, Calvin and Viret established the outlines of an anti-relic polemic which formed a part of the larger controversy with Rome. In its insistence on the primacy of Word and Spirit, the prohibition of…

Luther clandestin dans un abécédaire en français (1534-1560)

The study of a French catechetical primer (Introduction pour les enfans, Antwerp, ca. 1534) and its variant editions until 1560 exposes Luther’s initial mark on the French evangelical scene, as well as the traces he left, in spite of the…