
Le consistoire et les femmes, les femmes et le consistoire. L’exemple de la province synodale de Bourgogne au XVIIe siècle

Historical studies on consistories have been numerous, especially since the 1980s; their role in social control and their functioning have been at the heart of research. The question of the relationship between women and Protestantism has also been much studied; the alternative between women’s emancipation or the strengthening of patriarchy following the Reformation has not been really decided; but these studies have little to do with France, and they neglect women of humble status. However, the crossover between these two historiographies is more recent and is still relatively little practised outside the Anglo-Saxon world, whereas studying the consistories from a gender perspective makes it possible both to better understand how they function and to study the place of women in the reformed communities. This is what this article aims to show using the example of the Burgundy consistories. We can see that women, at the heart of a reformist enterprise to regulate morals, sometimes know how to play on moral demands to get men condemned or to impose a certain type of behaviour.